Taillard Family Wines launches Lobola
Taillard Family Wines wanted to create a brand that was dedicated to all South Africans who, like them, believe that it is our diversity that makes us unique, but that it is our unity that is worth celebrating.
Lobola has been created to echo the sentiment of celebration and unity amongst all South Africans by providing a wine of distinction that recognises and pays respect to something that is an integral part of the culture of our beautiful country.
Lobola is the tradition in many African cultures that associated with the joining of two families through marriage. A prospective husband (or head of the family) will present the prospective wife’s family with the promise of a ‘gift’ as a sign of respect and appreciation for raising their daughter as a suitable wife, and allowing her to join the husband’s family.
Lobola is in essence the celebration of the union of two families and is widely practiced and respected. Even our beloved Madiba referred to the transfer of Elephants between the South African and Mocambican National Parks as Lobola for his wife Graça Machel.
Teddy Hall, their highly acclaimed wine maker, was asked to create two wines of exceptional quality that would not only be worthy of the Lobola name.Teddy, loving a challenge, created a beautiful Cabernet/Shiraz and an equally elegant Chardonnay/Chenin to carry the name.
You can meet the Lobola Twins at The Cape Wine Show (Sep 15 – 17) or find it in selected wine shops and bottle stores.