Reduce Food Waste, Turn Leftovers into Bestovers

Words: Jess Spiro

We all know how it goes, you cook up a feast and are left with mountains of food. While there’s nothing wrong with a cheeky turkey sandwich, we’ve rounded up some recipes that reduce food waste and are still very easy. These aren’t just leftovers, these are bestovers.

If you have leftover meat…

Shred the meat of your turkey and roast and fill some fresh pasta to make this Chicken Cappelletti. The broth is easy to make too, just keep your poultry carcasse. Similarly, this Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup is light, easy to throw to together and full of zingy, fresh flavours.

Reduce Food Waste Roaste Chicken cappelleti
Reduce Food Waste Chicken Noodle Soup
If you’re after something creamier and more hearty, shred up all that meat and pick up some frozen puff pastry. Presto, you’ll have this Chicken Pie! And, just as easily, if you pick up some Tacos, and some accoutrements then you’ll have Pork Tacos in no time.

If you have leftover roast veggies

Smush up any leftover peas to make this very light and very fancy Minted Pea Crostini. And keep on mashing, this time with your cauliflower to make these moreish Fritters!

Reduce Food Waste Minted Pea Crostini
Reduce Food Waste - Recipe Cauliflower Fritters
Lastly, if you have leftover roasted veggies, blend them up with a bit of mascarpone, whip up some fresh pasta and make your own Raviolis. We used beetroot here, but you could use any roasted veg you like.
Reduce Food Waste - Recipe Beetroot Ravioli

If you have wilted sad looking leaves

Before you through your forgotten well-intended salad leaves into the trash, whip-up a zesty pesto. You can use anything, even the green carrot tops.

Reduce Food Waste - Recipe Rocket Pesto with goats cheese and toasted pine nuts
Reduce Food Waste Carrot Soup Carrot Top Pesto

If you have leftover fish

If you’re keeping things classic with roasted fish, be sure to mash up the leftover cooked fish with mashed potatoes to make super quick and easy Fishcakes. You can also pop them into tacos, dress with a zesty sauce and you’ll end up with these Nikkei Style Fish Tacos.

Reduce Food Watse - recipe Tuna Fishcakes
Reduce Food Waste - Recipe Nikkei fish style Tacos

Don’t just stop at reducing food wastage, read all about how to reduce you single-use plastic pollution.

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