Miele RX1 Robovac – The Best Robotic Vacuum
The Scout RX1 robovac from Miele is a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that will make cleaning your home an absolute breeze.
The Miele Robotic has seven infrared sensors on the front of the unit which scan a 180-degree area ahead of the machine.
This helps prevent collisions with furniture and other obstacles, stopping the unit well before a collision occurs. Further sensors even prevent it from falling down stairs.
The unit has a triple cleaning system – two long rotating side brushes target difficult areas along walls or along items of furniture and sweep directly towards the centre of the unit. Once there a removable beater bar picks up coarser particles. In the third stage a fan transports the finer dust to the dust box, which has a 0.6 litre capacity and can be removed for easy cleaning at the touch of a button.
The cleaning system navigates the parallel lines instead of crisscrossing the room, allowing for even cleaning.
Miele’s Smart Navigation relies on a gyro sensor, which measures rotation and changes in direction. It also has a high-quality digital camera on board that scans the ceiling several times a minute to ensure additional precision. The battery charge allows for cleaning up to 150m2, equating to approximately two hours. The unit will pause when it needs to return to base for charging and will resume work after 2 hours at the precise point where cleaning was interrupted.
The robovac is designed with Miele’s signature elegance and contemporary style and every thought has been given to its quality and user experience.
This highly intelligent piece of equipment looks set to make house cleaning a grudge of the past. The merits of the Miele robovac are many and to really understand it, one needs to see it in person. Visit www.miele.co.za to find a retailer closest to you, where you can see the RX1 robovac in action.
Miele’s Scout RX1 robovac retails for R9 999,00.