Shackleton Blended Malt Scotch Whisky — The Spirit of a Legend

Words: Crush

Shackleton Blended Malt Scotch is based on the spirit supplied to the 1907 British Antarctic Expedition, expertly crafted using a selection of the finest Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskies. Inspired by one of the 20th century’s most charismatic leaders, Shackleton is a modern Scotch that embodies the spirit of a legend.

Shackleton Blended Malt Scotch

Discovered Under Ice

To bolster team spirit on his Antarctic expedition in 1907, Sir Ernest Shackleton personally ordered 25 cases of Mackinlay’s Rare Old Highland Malt Whisky.  A century later, in 2007, three cases of the perfectly preserved whisky were discovered, frozen into the ice beneath Shackleton’s base camp at Cape Royds.

The whisky was excavated and flown to New Zealand where it was carefully thawed by the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust in a purpose-built environment and public gallery at Canterbury Museum. 

After its discovery frozen in the ice, world renowned Master Blender, Richard Paterson, carried out painstaking analysis to re-create this antique whisky, and used this as the foundation to create Shackleton – a modern Blended Malt with ice in its DNA. 

Shackleton Whisky

The Legend Sir Ernest Shackleton

Sir Ernest Shackleton is known as much for his camaraderie and leadership as he is for his adventurous spirit. In 1907, he set sail on his ship, the Nimrod, to lead his first expedition. A quest with one goal, to become the first man to reach the South Pole, Sir Ernest and his team reached further south than anyone before them – but on January 9th 1909, faced with bitter winds and an exhausted crew, he turned back rather than risk the lives of his team. 

In 1914, he set off again, this time his sights set on traversing Antarctica for the first time. His ship, the Endurance, was frozen and crushed in the ice. With five men, Sir Ernest took a small rescue boat and sailed 720 nautical miles in treacherous conditions across the freezing ocean to South Georgia, then traversed the mountain range to a whaling station. From here, he chartered a rescue ship back to his waiting crew, returning all of his men safely home. This feat of strength became known as one of the greatest survival stories of all time.

It was with whisky that Sir Ernest brought his crew together to toast wives and sweethearts, celebrate birthdays and foster a sense of team spirit that led them to succeed against the hardest of odds.

Explorer’s Ice Tea

Enjoy this recipe for a refreshing and easy-drinking ice-tea that will transport you back to where this legendary drink was born.

Shackleton Cocktail

What You’ll Need

25ml Shackleton Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
12.5ml Triple Sec
½ a lemon (squeezed)
can/bottle of cola
cubed ice
Glass: Highball or tin mug


Combine all the ingredients except the cola and add to a highball filled with ice. Top with a splash of cola and garnish with a lemon wedge. | Facebook | Instagram

Have you ever wondered why whisky has two spellings? Find out here.

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