Taking in some of the sights
of Spier.
Crush spent a lovely weekend at Spier eating, drinking, looking, ambling and learning about Spier’s amazing green and biodynamic initiatives.
Farm to table eating at Eight where you wish your stomach could just squeeze in one more mouthful. Farmer Angus’s pasture reared, organic beef (full of omega 3’s) on the braai in combination with organic, seasonal vegetables perfectly prepared by Lorianne Heynes and her team. Then on to Segway tours that takes you past and through indigenous, plantations including the magnificent King Proteas. Since this initiative, Spier has noticed an increase and return of the birdlife, insects and small animals.
For such a large and old estate, Spier seems to be at the forefront of innovation. It has recently moved and renovated its wine tasting room, where they have made use of natural light and clever building to keep it at the correct temperature. A chandelier of recycled wine bottles by Heath Nash illuminates the tasting area. This modern thinking building is home to the flagship 21 Gables Wine that reveals Spier still has an appreciation for its heritage.
Turn your head in most directions and you will spot a fantastic piece of South African art. The Creative Block, being a collection of emerging artists’ work for sale on the walls of Spier. The artists are given a square of canvas to produce a piece of art to be displayed at Spier.
The wine ain’t bad either!