Pledge your Support for #WorldMeatFreeWeek 2019
If you’ve ever given any thought to how much meat consumption affects the environment and your contribution to that, then come a little closer. We’re discussing exactly that ahead of #WorldMeatFreeWeek and you’ll probably be surprised by the statistics that have led to the creation of this initiative.
#WorldMeatFreeWeek 17-23 June 2019
#WorldMeatFreeWeek is back this June for its fifth year. From the 17th June, the world’s population is urged to swap at least one meal to meat-free for the sake of our planet, in a global effort to highlight the crucial need for a more sustainable approach to meat consumption.
The global initiative will build on the success of last year’s World Meat Free Day, which saw a reach of 200 million people globally with support from Greenpeace Worldwide, Quorn Foods, Chris Darwin, John Bishop and Joanna Lumley
Why is #WorldMeatFreeWeek So Important?
Recent research has revealed that meat production alone is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world – more than all emissions from global transport combined. We simply cannot continue to eat meat at our current rate in either a sustainable or ethical way. The whole world needs to come together to make a change and that is where #WorldMeatFreeWeek is looking to help!
World Meat Free Week’s aim is to show just how easy it is to make a small change that has a big impact. If the entire planet tried just one meat free recipe, we’d save:
- Over 685 billion calories – that’s over 1.2 billion Big Macs!
- Reduce our carbon footprints by up to 50% 1
- The carbon equivalent of boiling a kettle more than 1 trillion times – that’s a lot of tea and coffee!
Calling all meat eaters!
So what can you do to make a contribution? Well, the ultimate goal would be to go vegan but this may not be possible for everyone, so start by pledging to swap one meal for the health of our planet during World Meat Free Week: 17th – 23rd June 2018. Perhaps you may even be inspired to switch up one meal a week for a meat-free one.
Did you know? The water used to produce just one hamburger is the equivalent to the water used in two months’ worth of showers!
The Scary Facts
Research estimates that the global population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050 and, with a rise in meat consumption, this larger public will require an extra 200 million tonnes of meat annually if we continue at our present rate of consumption2. Meat production is already responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than all emissions from global transport combined3.
What’s more, the livestock sector uses 30% of the earth’s entire land surface4 while 69% of global fresh water is attributed to the food system. 80% of the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest is attributed to beef production 5. It is now widely accepted that to increase our output to meet the rising demand is neither sustainably nor ethically feasible6.
The great news?
Making just a simple swap to one meat-free meal during #WorldMeatFreeWeek can have a huge impact and act as a catalyst to further behaviour change to a “less and better approach to meat” for the sake of a healthier planet.
More people than ever are now looking to reduce their meat intake, with over 3.5 million UK residents identifying as vegan, and a whopping 7 million switching to vegetarianism to help decrease their carbon footprint 7.
It’s easy to take part in this year’s #WorldMeatFreeWeek, simply pledge your support at and swap just one or more meals to meat-free w/c 11th June.
Need some inspiration? Check out this amazing vegetarian recipe round up to get you started. |#WorldMeatFreeWeek
1. Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK Source
2. How to feed the world in 2050: Source
3. Livestock – Climate Change’s Forgotten Sector Source
4. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Source
5. One Green Planet Source
6. How To Feed the World 2050: Source
7. New Research by Compare the Market: Source
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Lovely prize
Hopeful 🙏😍
Love Quorn Products – we have vegetarian and vegan options at our guesthouse
Holding thumbs to W I N!!!
I pledged. AWESOME PRIZE, Hope to Win!
I am all for this with my family, we do a simple mac n Cheese, or fresh chips during the course of the week.
Amazing prize. Fingers 🤞
Chick-peas braised with potato and couscous and dhall.
Awesome prize fingers crossed