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ClemenGold Jelly

Vanilla and ClemenGold Jelly Cookie Bars


A cookie base topped with a vanilla yoghurt layer and ClemenGold jelly. So delish!

  • Yields: 15 |
  • Rating:

  • Difficulty:

  • Prep Time : 3:30 hours |
  • Cook Time : 5 mins
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200 g ground almonds
200 g ginger biscuits
2 tsp (10 ml) ClemenGold zest
6 Tbsp (90 ml / 80 g) coconut oil, melted

Vanilla Layer

3 Tbsp (45 ml) water
2 tsp (10 ml / 7 g) powdered gelatine
2 C (500 ml) plain low-fat yoghurt
⅓ C (80 ml) honey
100 g sugar-free instant vanilla pudding powder
1 C (250 ml) milk

ClemenGold Jelly

2 C (500 ml) ClemenGold juice
1 Tbsp (15 ml) honey
1 tsp (5 ml) lemon juice
1 Tbsp (15 ml / 10 g) powdered gelatine
3 ClemenGolds, peeled and thinly sliced


Line a 32 cm x 23 cm deep rectangular dish or tin with baking paper.

Combine the almonds, biscuits and zest in a food processor and blend until fine. Stir in the melted coconut oil and press the mixture into the lined tin to form an even layer. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Vanilla Layer

Pour the water into a small ramekin. Sprinkle the gelatine on top, stir and set aside for 5 minutes. Place the small bowl with the gelatine in a slightly bigger bowl filled with warm water – ensure that no hot water can run into the gelatine. Stir until melted and clear. Whisk the yoghurt and honey together. Stir 3 Tbsp (45 ml) of the yoghurt mixture into the melted gelatine mixture and whisk this mixture into the remaining yoghurt mixture.

Using an electric mixer, whisk the vanilla pudding and milk together for 2 minutes. Add the yoghurt mixture and whisk until combined. Spread this mixture over the prepared base and refrigerate until needed.

ClemenGold Jelly

Combine the ClemenGold juice, honey and lime juice in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring the mixture up to boil and simmer for 1 minute. Remove it from the heat, sprinkle the gelatine on top and whisk to combine. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, about 15 minutes, but ensure that it is still pourable.

Arrange the ClemenGold slices on top of the set vanilla layer; very gently pour the jelly mixture over the top evenly and then refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight. Slice into 15 bars and serve.

TIP:  1 ClemenGold typically yields 3 Tbsp (45 ml) of juice when juiced.

TIP: For a gluten-free version, replace the ginger biscuits with gluten-free biscuits or additional nuts.