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Sutherlandia Rooibos Iced Tea


This proudly South African iced tea will keep you cool on a warm summers day

  • Serves: 6 |
    6 servings
  • Rating:

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  • Prep Time : 10 mins |
  • Cook Time : 0 mins
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Sutherlandia Rooibos Ice Tea

1 litre filtered water
4 Sutherlandia rooibos tea bags
4 tsp (20 ml) agave nectar
½ lemon, sliced
½ lime, sliced
1 C (250 ml) pure pomegranate juice
15 fresh mint leaves

Boil the filtered water and allow to cool for three minutes. Add the tea bags, agave nectar, lemon and lime slices and set aside to cool completely.

Remove the tea bags, pour into a big glass jug filled with ice, top with pomegranate juice and mint leaves. Serve chilled.