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Lemon Pannacotta on a sweet basil pesto

Lemon Pannacotta on a sweet basil pesto


Lemon Pannacotta becomes a new taste sensation when served on a sweet basil pesto

  • Yields: 4 |
  • Difficulty:

  • Prep Time : 50 mins |
  • Cook Time : 3:0 hours
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  • 300 ml full-cream milk
  • 300 ml fresh cream
  • 100 ml castor sugar
  • a thumb-length strip of lemon peel, without white pith
  • 1½ tsp (7.5 ml) gelatine powder
  • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) tepid water
  • 4 Tbsp (60 ml) fresh lemon juice

Pesto – makes 1 C

  • 1/3 C (50 g) diced almonds, roasted
  • 100 g fresh basil, stalks removed
  • 80 ml olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla paste
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) caramelised Verjuice syrup
  • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) honey
  • Pinch of freshly milled black pepper


Place the milk, cream and castor sugar into a saucepan with the strip of lemon peel, and turn on the heat to medium.  Very gently bring to just below boiling point, stirring now and then to help the sugar dissolve. Remove from the heat and set aside for 10 minutes to allow the flavour of the lemon to infuse the milk mixture.
In the meantime, sprinkle the gelatine over the water in a small heatproof bowl and set aside to sponge for 5 minutes. Place the bowl in a pan of simmering water – reaching half-way up the sides – and leave until clear. Remove and allow to cool for 1 minute.
Stir the gelatine into the creamy milk mixture and discard the lemon zest.  Strain the mixture into a clean bowl. Stir in the lemon juice.
Pour the mixture into four lightly oiled moulds. Allow to cool for another 20 minutes before refrigerating for 3 to 4 hours, or until set.

To make the pesto, place the diced almonds in a pan and dry roast over a medium heat to allow the flavours to open.  Set aside to allow to cool.