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lamingtons recipe



Lamingtons, originally from Australia, consist of squares of vanilla sponge cake coated in chocolate sauce and desiccated coconut. A classic tea-time treat!

  • Yields: 10 |
  • Rating:

  • Difficulty:

  • Prep Time : 20 mins |
  • Cook Time : 20 mins
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Vanilla cake:

125 g self-raising flour

125 g castor sugar

⅓ C (80 ml) Bulgarian yoghurt

⅓ C 1(80 ml) sunflower oil

2 large eggs

Chocolate glaze:

480 g icing sugar, sifted

75 g cocoa powder, sifted

2/3 C (160 ml) boiling water

75 g butter, melted


250 g desiccated coconut for coating

Preheat the oven to 180 °C and grease 10 lamington baking pans (available at Clicks).

To make the cake, place all the ingredients for the vanilla cake in a bowl and mix together well with an electric beater. Pour the mixture into the lamington baking pans. Bake for 20 minutes, turning the pan around half way through the cooking time.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes before tipping the cakes onto a cooling rack to cool completely. Trim the tops of the cakes to make them flat and trim the sides to neaten them up.

To make the glaze, sift together the icing sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl. Mix in the boiling water and melted butter until smooth.

To assemble, use two forks to hold each sponge square. First dip it in the chocolate glaze and then roll in the desiccated coconut. Allow to set on a wire rack.