ClemenGold® & Yoghurt Creamsicles
A refreshing and healthy treat using ClemenGold® juice and double cream yoghurt. Your kids will love this one!
- Yields: 6-8 |
- Difficulty: easy
- Prep Time : 8:0 hours |
- Cook Time : 0 mins

4-6 ClemenGold® mandarins, juiced
1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract
honey to taste
lollipop mould and sticks (we used an 8-piece lollipop mould)
Juice the ClemenGold® mandarins. Pour an equal amount of juice into each mold about ¼ full. Place in the freezer and freeze solid.
Add the yoghurt to a bowl and sweeten to taste with honey. Add the vanilla. Spoon equal amounts of yoghurt into the moulds, again, about a ¼ so your mould should now be half full. Stick the wooden sticks into the centre of the lollipops at this stage and carefully return to the freezer. In between freezing stages, return the yoghurt to the fridge, covered, until needed.
Freeze until solid then repeat the same steps again to complete your lollipops. Once the lollipops are frozen solid, let them sit at room temperature to thaw slightly then remove from the mould and serve.