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blinis recipe

Beery Blinis


These beery blinis are great as a party snack, but once you've tasted them, you won't want to share them.

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  • Prep Time : 0 mins |
  • Cook Time : 0 mins
Categories: Baking, Dish Type, Snacks
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2 cups ( 280 g) cake flour

1 tbsp ( 15 ml) baking powder

a pinch of salt

2 cups (500 ml) beer

2 eggs, lightly beaten

25 g butter, melted

A handful of chives, snipped ( optional)

Oil for frying  ( in a small glass jug)

Combine the flour, baking powder and salt.

Add the beer, eggs and the melted butter.

Whisk to a smooth batter and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Add any extras, such as chives, to the batter.

Set your frying pan over medium heat. Pour a teaspoon of oil into the pan and swirl around to coat the bottom of the pan. Pour off the excess oil into your glass jug. ( Wipe the outside of your pan to prevent any oil spills from flaming.

Decide on the size of flapjacks that you prefer to make i.e. small, medium or giant and pour the required amount of batter into the pan.

Cook until bubbles appear on the surface. Use a palette knife lift a little around the edges. When the underside is golden brown, flip your flapjacks and cook the others side to the same colour.

Remove the flapjacks. Add another swirl of oil to your pan and repeat the process with the rest of your batter.

Serve with salmon and cream cheese.